snATAC-Seq visualisation ======================== UMAP projection --------------- UMAP projection of the 79,515 ATAC cells and the 9 clusters .. image:: _static/CARE_Portal_snATAC_1.png single-cell genome browser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An interactive UCSC singlec-cell browser session can be found here: ` `_ which visualises the opened and signficant promoters per cell-type. Also, an interactive UCSC singlec-cell browser session can be found here: ` `_ which visualises the opened and signficant promoters per cell-type. Genome browser tracks --------------------- Cell subtype browser track ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A genome browser track is available at this address: Chamber browser track ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A genome browser track is available at this address: snRNA-Seq visualisation ======================== UMAP projection --------------- UMAP projection of the 12 clusters .. image:: _static/CARE_Portal_snRNA-cropped.png single-cell genome browser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An interactive UCSC singlec-cell browser session can be found here: ` `_ Genome browser tracks --------------------- A genome browser track is available at this address: